Starting off again from the ruins | Special Issue European Elections 2019

Starting off again from the ruins | Special Issue European Elections 2019

The Greek crisis and SYRIZA's government: conflicts and agreements with the EU in Tsipras's Greece

Five years ago, when the last European elections were held, Greece was governed by a coalition of New Democracy (ND), member of the EPP, and the Panhellenic Socialist Movement (PASOK), member of the PES. The discourse at the time, not surprisingly, was not about the MEPs that would represent electors in the European Parliament. It was about whether people trusted the incumbent government and all it...

Ripartire dalle rovine | Speciale Europee 2019

Ripartire dalle rovine | Speciale Europee 2019

La crisi greca e il governo di Syriza: conflitti e accordi con l'Unione nella Grecia di Alexis Tsipras

Cinque anni fa, in occasione delle ultime elezioni europee, la Grecia era governata da una coalizione della Nuova Democrazia (ND), membro dell’Epp, e dal Movimento Socialista Panellenico (Pasok) del Pes. La questione in quel periodo, non certo a sorpresa, non era se il MEPs avrebbe rappresentato gli elettori all’interno del Parlamento Europeo, ma se questi si fidassero del governo incombente...